021 | "World's Only Test of All 3 COVID Antibodies" (Kunal at TezTed)

Today’s guest on the “Phil with Forbes 30” podcast is Kunal Garg - CoFounder of TezTed

  • Forbes List: Europe

  • Year: 2020

  • Category: Science and Healthcare

Kunal Garg’s company is a life-line behind the scenes of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Within three-weeks his company developed Plex, an antibody test for the COVID-19 virus.  It is the only test that can measure three different antibody responses.

  • The discussion started with Kunal explaining to Phil how the company was able to transfer skill sets quickly from its main product, TICKPLEX,  the first ever, multi-functional, multiplex test for the clinical diagnosis of tick borne diseases.

  • It also enables healthcare providers to test patients for multiple microbes and disease stages simultaneously - a scientific first.  The company, TezTed has partnerships in Canada, Germany, Spain and others.  It raised $1.55 million dollars in funding.  The Finnish Science Foundation for Technology and Economics has awarded Kunal with the Young Research Entrepreneur of the Year, making him the first foreign national to ever receive the award.

The interview continues with the history of Kunal’s work, the details of his test lab, challenges, Lyme disease and entrepreneurship.  This inspiring interview includes:

  • Kunal’s pivot point for being an average student changed in university.

  • Kunal and a friend created a portable water purifier to be used in Africa.  A deputy Research Director mentored Kunal.  The product went from prototype, to product and patents within four-months.

  • Kunal moved to Finland to continue studies and defends his PhD this year.

  • While working at a company, he started a new company with his boss, Dr. Gilbert - co-founder.

  • A five-page business challenge in Austria opened doors.  Funding was received for proof of concept in Finland and additional funding came from friends and families.

  • The biggest challenge was proving that scientists also know how to run a business. With the right partners, the company has been able to commercialize and create a credible track record.

  • Phil and Kunal discuss in detail the entrepreneurial journey and making the transition from academia to the real world; lessons learned from an interest to passion, to purpose.

  • Kunal goes into detail about the unique value of his product - commercializing a test kit that looks for multiple infectious diseases.  The industry standard for test kits is to test for one or two viruses.

  • This has led to another product to start developing biomarkers for autoimmunity.  The unique value is that ultimately, the product will lead to personalized treatments for patients.  They are currently being treated for infections rather than be treated for a condition of the immune system.

Kunal and Phil also help listeners understand the importance of testing for Lyme disease, how the autoimmune system starts attacking itself once one has the disease and why testing early is so important.  The discussion continued with:

  • The value and consequences of test kits, in particular for Lyme disease.

  • The consequences of taking too many antibiotics.  It can eventually prevent a person from creating the level of antibodies needed to detect an illness such as Lyme.

  • The increase of awareness of the illness and reducing the stigma.

  • The need for testing and getting health care providers and institutions on board for increased testing because Lyme disease is becoming a burden on the healthcare system.

  • Phil explains the nuances of entrepreneurship and the importance of creating a platform for other people to build off of; the importance of partners.

  • Kunal speaks about the challenge of setting up a biologically safe lab, manufacturing problems, lessons learned about trying medical equipment first before going into full production.  Lessons also learned about equipment and suppliers.

Kunal’s bucket list - to be known as a leader in technology transfer and continue to be the global leader in infectious diseases and autoimmunity testing.

To learn more about the only COVID-19 antibody test that can measure three different antibodies against multiple proteins on the SARS-COVID-2 virus, visit:   https://www.tezted.com/sarsplex

Under 30 Seconds Round

1. What is the book you’ve gifted more often than any other book, and why?

  • Wings of Fire, Abdul Kalam - former President of India.  It’s the perfect example of a person being persistent and having the right scientific genius to kick off the most successful aerospace program in India.

2. What’s one of the best investments and one of the worst investments you’ve ever made and why?

  • Best - To change my mindset to know the importance of practical training more than the theory.

  • Worst - A pair of headphones I bought, but don’t want to talk about.

3. What’s the most impactful thing you do in your Morning routine and most impactful thing you do in your Evening routine?

  • 30-minutes of exercise.  Without it I am probably going to be miserable.

  • Before I go to sleep I use an app for meditation called Headspace.

    • PS — book by founder of Headspace: “The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness: How Mindfulness Can Change Your Life in Ten Minutes a Day”

4. Pretend you won the Peter Thiel Fellowship and you were going to get money to start a business instead of go to college, what’s the very first thing you’d do to start a new business?

  • I would still start a business in a Nordic/Scandinavian country.  It’s a very open culture.

5. What’s something you never knew you needed?

  • Crocs.

In the REVIEW SECTION, please let me know…

  1. The city / country you’re tuning in from!

  2. How Kunal Garg’s story has inspired you! And, your favorite part of this episode!

  3. Tell me the questions you’d like me to ask future Forbes 30 Under 30 Members!


GUEST INFO: Kunal Garg – CoFounder of TezTed

  • CONTACT: On Twitter @kunalgargplex

  • WEBSITE: http://gargkunal.com/

  • NOTE: To learn more about the only COVID-19 antibody test that can measure three different antibodies against multiple proteins on the SARS-COVID-2 virus, visit: https://www.tezted.com/sarsplex

HOST INFO: Phil Michaels

Phil Michaels

⚡️Performance Coach
🥇Forbes 30 Under 30
👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽Founder of @BroTreat
🐘CEO of @TemboEducation


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